Qualification Accreditation Process

All submissions should be made on the AC2 form. Please make sure you are using the current version of the form.

The submission types are:

Preparing your submission

The qualification should have been developed in accordance with our Regulatory Principles.

When preparing a submission, please speak to the Accreditation Manager for the sector for advice and to inform us that the submission will be made. If the submitted qualification is designed to replace an existing one please allow enough time for us to process the submission to avoid a gap in your provision.

For full details and guidance on the submission process and evidence required, please see: 

The accreditation process

Submissions for accreditation are reviewed by an Accreditation Manager before presentation to ACG. We aim to take submissions to ACG within 20 working days but this may take longer if further information is required from the submitting organisation.

The diagram below illustrates this process:

Accreditation Process