Regulatory Principles Guidance Notes

Regulatory Principles Guidance Notes

We have produced a series of Guidance Notes for awarding bodies with additional information which will assist them in meeting the requirements of the Regulatory Principles. Please note that not all Regulatory Principles will have a supporting Guidance Note, however, SQA Accreditation will keep the need for these under review.

Regulatory Principles Guidance Note - Principles 1 and 7 - Reporting Incidents to SQA Accreditation

Regulatory Principles Guidance Note - Principle 18 - Reporting and Managing Cases of Malpractice and Maladministration

Regulatory Principles Guidance Note - Principle 15 - Requesting Certification for Expired Qualifications

Principle 15 - Awarding Body Request for Late Certification

Using online and remote technology for delivery, assessment and quality assurance - Guidance to Awarding Bodies