Annual Review 2023-24

SQA Accreditation has responsibility under Scottish legislation to independently approve and regulate awarding bodies operating in Scotland.

Working within an education landscape in a state of transition, SQA Accreditation operated as an enabling and supportive regulator — quality assuring awarding bodies and their accredited qualifications, providing consistent support and guidance to stakeholders, and undertaking internal continuous improvement activities.

Download SQA Accreditation's Annual Review 2023-24

Key Activities

Read about some of our key activities undertaken to meet our operational objectives and strategic goal.


Key Activities

Regulatory Activity

We approve and regulate awarding bodies to deliver quality assured qualifications for Scotland.


Regulatory Activity

Plan for 2024-25

Find out what SQA Accreditation are planning for the next operational year.

Plan for 2024-25

Strategic goal

To independently accredit, quality assure and regulate approved awarding bodies and qualifications thereby safeguarding the interests of learners, employers, parents, funding bodies, providers and the Scottish Government.