Complaints Handling Procedure
Complaints about approved awarding bodies
SQA Accreditation is committed to maintaining high standards of quality to maintain the integrity of its accredited qualifications and to ensure that all awarding bodies remain compliant with SQA Accreditation regulatory requirements.
Where an individual or an organisation has a complaint about an awarding body, or their providers we will carry out appropriate enquiries through our Regulatory Complaints Handling procedure.
We will establish if the awarding body and/or their providers are delivering services in line with their policies and procedures and that they meet the requirements of the Regulatory Principles and associated policies.
There is no right of appeal to SQA Accreditation’s findings, however where the complainant is dissatisfied at the action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of SQA Accreditation during their regulatory complaint they can do so through our Complaints about SQA Accreditation process.
Complaints about SQA Accreditation
SQA Accreditation is committed to ensuring that all our customers receive the best possible service from us, however we recognise that, sometimes, some of our customers will experience problems.
We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about SQA Accreditation’s action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of SQA Accreditation.
Our Complaints Handling procedure sets out how we will deal with your complaint. Complaints can be a valuable source of information to help us improve our services.
Where a right of appeal exists, SQA Accreditation’s appeal processes should be exhausted before the appellant can initiate a complaint on the same matter. More information about appeal processes is available in SQA’s Appeal Process on our website.
All Complaints
At times complainants’ behaviour can make it difficult for us to help them. SQA Accreditation has adopted an Unacceptable Actions by Complainants Policy that sets out our approach to dealing with problematic behaviour from complainants.
SQA Accreditation Annual Complaints Handling Report
As a public sector body, SQA falls under the remit of the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman. It requires that public bodies providing an annual report detailing:
1 Number of complaints received.
2 Number and percentage of complaints at each stage that were closed within the set timescales.
3 Average time for a full response at each stage.
4 Outcome of complaints at each stage.
Both of SQA’s function publish a separate report. SQA Accreditation Annual Complaints Handling Report (April 2022 – March 2023)