Our Structure and Staff

SQA Accreditation has 20 members of staff.

Organisational Structure

View Accreditation staff contact details.

Accreditation Section

Within the Accreditation section, Accreditation Managers (AMs) are allocated industry sectors. They work with standards setting organisations that develop National Occupational Standards (NOS) and qualifications based on NOS, such as Scottish Vocational Qualifications. They also work with awarding bodies in the accreditation of qualifications for these industry sectors. To see the current project work for each AM, download the AM Responsibilities list.

More information is in the Qualifications section.

Regulation Section

Within the Regulation section Regulation Managers (RMs) are allocated individual awarding bodies. They work with the awarding bodies on the quality assurance of their systems and qualification delivery. To see the awarding bodies for each RM, download the RM awarding body responsibility list.

We also have a group of Regulation Officers (ROs) who carry out provider monitoring activities across awarding bodies. ROs are not allocated to specific awarding bodies.

More information is in the Regulation section.

Information and Research Section

The Information and Research section provides reports and statistical analysis of qualification activities, reporting to the Head of Accreditation and the Accreditation Committee.

More information is in the Research and Statistics section.

Administration Section

The Administration section provides administrative support to the other sections of the team. This includes supporting Accreditation Co-ordination Group (ACG) and issuing decision letters and approved documents. The Accreditation Officer is our main point of contact for general enquiries.