Search for Accredited Qualifications

This section will allow you to find information on any qualification that has been accredited to a specific awarding body. You can find information on accreditation dates and units contained within the qualification and also SCQF credit rating, where available. You can search by awarding body to see which accredited qualifications they offer.

On a monthly basis, we produce a list of current accredited qualifications and a list of accredited qualifications that are due to lapse.

The listing report provides information on all accredited qualifications which are currently live. It is the responsibility of each awarding body to request a reaccreditation, extension or withdrawal of their qualifications. 

These submissions should be made at latest four weeks before the end of accreditation date.

The lapsing report lists accredited qualifications which either

During the lapsing period, learners may complete qualifications for which they have been registered but no new learners may register for the award.  By the expiry date, any remaining learners registered for the qualification must have been certificated.

Search Results

Code SVQ Level Title Awarding Body Accredited From Accredited To