First Aid Qualifications
Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)
First Aid at Work (FAW)
Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA)
Paediatric First Aid (PFA)
During 2021 the First Aid Awarding Organisation Forum (FAAOF) reviewed both the qualification/unit specifications and assessment principles for the above noted first aid qualifications to ensure that they continued to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid Regulations) and the were up to date in terms of current practice.
Following review, the qualifications were credit rated against the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF) and the qualification products were approved by Accreditation Co-ordination Group (ACG) on 30 March 2022. The qualifications are:
Emergency First Aid at Work at SCQF Level 6
First Aid at Work at SCQF Level 6
Emergency Paediatric First Aid at SCQF Level 6
Paediatric First Aid at SCQF Level 6
A number of our awarding bodies have sought accreditation to offer these revised qualifications. The awarding bodies approved to offer these qualifications are noted below.
All approved awarding bodies must comply with the current version of the unit specifications and the Assessment Principles for Regulated First Aid Qualifications.
The qualifications, unit specifications and assessment principles can be found on the links below:
Qualification structure for Emergency First Aid at Work at SCQF Level 6
Qualification structure for First Aid at Work at SCQF Level 6
Unit Specification for Emergency First Aid in the Workplace at SCQF Level 6
Qualification structure for Emergency Paediatric First Aid at SCQF Level 6
Qualification structure for Paediatric First Aid at SCQF Level 6
Unit Specification for Emergency Paediatric First Aid at SCQF Level 6
Unit Specification for Managing Paediatric Illness, Injuries and Emergencies at SCQF Level 6
Assessment Principles for Regulated First Aid Qualifications V7 30 March 2022
If you wish to deliver these qualifications in Scotland, you have two possible options:
1. Offer the qualifications as an approved provider of an SQA Accreditation approved awarding body
You can apply for provider approval to deliver these first aid qualifications through any SQA approved awarding body that has been accredited to offer these qualifications.
You may contact these awarding bodies directly – see the list below.
Awarding bodies approved to offer these first aid qualifications:
- First Aid Awards Limited
- Future (Awards and Qualifications) Limited
- Highfield Qualifications
- ITC First
- SafeCert Awards
- Safety Training Awards (STA)
- SQA Awarding Body
Alternatively, contact SQA Accreditation for an initial discussion.
2. Offer the qualifications as an SQA Accreditation approved awarding body
Existing SQA Accreditation approved awarding bodies wishing to seek accreditation to offer these qualifications should, in the first instance, contact the SQA Accreditation Manager and complete an AC2 Form.
If you are not already an SQA Accreditation approved awarding body you will need to go through our Awarding Body Approval Process. The first stage in this process requires you to contact SQA Accreditation and speak to a Regulation Manager.
SQA Accreditation contacts:
07909 890025 Karen Crawford, Accreditation Manager - Linda Gilligan, Accreditation Officer
There are other first aid qualifications on offer – please use our Search for Accredited Qualifications database for details of awarding bodies approved to offer.
Further information on both the First Aid Awarding Organisation Forum (FAAOF) and first aid qualifications can be found here:
Other sources of information can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website