SCQF Credit Rating of Accredited Qualifications

We are an SCQF Partnership Approved Credit Rating Body (CRB) and can credit rate any qualifications we accredit. We encourage SQA approved awarding bodies and stakeholders to be proactive in using and promoting the SCQF.

The following must be credit rated:

Our methodology

Here is our recommended methodology for credit rating. Standards setting organisations and awarding bodies are encouraged to consider this during the qualification development process.


We can provide SCQF credit rating training to give you the expertise and knowledge to undertake credit rating and make submissions for our approval.

To arrange training for your organisation, or if you want your qualification credit-rated, please contact your SQA Accreditation Manager.

Further information

For more on the SCQF and other credit-rated provision, and a list of all approved CRBs, please refer to