Plan for 2024-25
We have developed a three-year operational plan as we prepare to transition into the new qualifications body, Qualifications Scotland. This will still be reviewed on an annual basis to determine whether new objectives need to be added or whether some have been completed and can be removed.
Our main objective for the next three years is to manage the transition of the accreditation and regulation function to Qualifications Scotland. As the Education (Scotland) Bill has now been published, we can start to think about what we need to have in place ready for the creation of the new body.
We updated our Regulatory Principles in 2021 and, in the Stakeholder Survey that took place after their publication, awarding bodies indicated that it would be useful to review the Supplementary Information section. Now that three years have passed since the publication, and almost all awarding bodies will have had at least one audit, the time is right to review the Supplementary information. In the course of the financial year 2024-25, we will be contacting awarding bodies to seek views on this section of the Regulatory Principles.
We will also be carrying out our three-yearly stakeholder survey. As always, we want to understand what we do well and what we could do better. This year, this information will be particularly helpful to us as we think about what improvements we can make when we transition to Qualifications Scotland.
We will be working jointly with Skills Development Scotland to pilot a new approach to developing National Occupational Standards, SVQs and Modern Apprenticeships.
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